'use strict'; $(function () { // Countdown /* Usage example There are two ways to use this script. On is better for simple needs such a topbar. And the other one is good if you need to display more elements and have more control over the CSS **** SIMPLE MODE ****: Just set a main Class and the content within the data attributes. (days), (hours), etc.. will be replaced and you can use p_hours, p_minutes, etc.. for pluralization
(days) p_days, (hours) p_hours, and (minutes) p_minutes left!
**** EXTENDED MODE: ****

Live with Madonna

until Concert begins
Show is ended
On this way, you have to setup a main Class, and the end Date in the data attributes. Then, you need to use the classes "running" and "ended" (you can change the names) and the element On this way, the "ended" class will be visible when the countdown is ready and you have a lot of control over the content and the layout. *** TIMER Mode *** On the timer mode, you have to enter the data in JSON format such in this example
(days) p_days, (hours) p_hours, (minutes) p_minutes and (seconds) p_seconds left!
*** ZERO-PAD *** By default, Zero-PAdding is enabled. You can set it to false in a data attribute on this way:
Each variable (Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds) can be set to false TODO: - cookie (or localStorage) - pluralization: it works now but only in simple mode, and only in English - weeks support - prevent errors with false configs CONFIG: - mainClass - Offset Location - runningClass (optional) - endedClass (optional) offset value base on which location time zone you would like to set For India offset value +5.5, New York offset value -4, London offset value +1 All locations offset: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UTC_time_offsets */ // CONFIG let mainClass = '.countdown'; let OffsetLocation = -4; let runningClass = '.running'; //optinonal let endedClass = ".ended"; //optional // END CONFIG //init let date, fixTime, index = 0, extraClass, initText, zeroPad; $(mainClass).each(function () { //for each countdown instance index++; date = $(this).attr('data-Date'); fixTime = $(this).attr('data-fixTime'); zeroPad = $(this).attr('data-zeroPad'); extraClass = 'd_' + index; $(this).addClass(extraClass); //add a class to recognize each counter $(this).css('display','block'); //allow to start hidding the class to avoid a bad effect until js is loading if (fixTime != undefined) date = getFixDate(fixTime); //get init text with or whitout an extra Class if ($('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer').length) { initText = $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer').text(); } else { initText = $(this).text(); } //show and hide classes $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass).css('display', 'flex'); $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + endedClass).css('display', 'none'); //call main function dateReplace(extraClass, date, fixTime, initText, zeroPad); //prevent delay for the first time setInterval(dateReplace, 1000, extraClass, date, fixTime, initText, zeroPad); }); function dateReplace(extraClass, date, fixTime, initText, zeroPad) { let dif = timeDistance(date, fixTime); let text = initText; let zeroPadArr = []; if (dif[0] < 0 || dif[1] < 0 || dif[2] < 0 || dif[3] < 0) { //countdown ended let endText = $('.' + extraClass).attr('data-endText'); if (endText != undefined) { //case data-endText attr $('.' + extraClass).text(endText); } else { //case with two blocks $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass).css('display', 'none'); $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + endedClass).css('display', 'flex'); } } else { //Zero-pad if(zeroPad != undefined) zeroPadArr = JSON.parse(zeroPad); if (zeroPadArr['Days'] != "false") dif[0] = String(dif[0]).padStart(2, '0'); if (zeroPadArr['Hours'] != "false") dif[1] = String(dif[1]).padStart(2, '0'); if (zeroPadArr['Minutes'] != "false") dif[2] = String(dif[2]).padStart(2, '0'); if (zeroPadArr['Seconds'] != "false") dif[3] = String(dif[3]).padStart(2, '0'); //replace text with or without extra class //whith extras Class if ($('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer').length) { $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer .days').text(dif[0]); $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer .hours').text(dif[1]); $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer .minutes').text(dif[2]); $('.' + extraClass + ' ' + runningClass + ' timer .seconds').text(dif[3]); } else { //replace parts without extra Class text = text.replace('(days)', dif[0]); text = text.replace('(hours)', dif[1]); text = text.replace('(minutes)', dif[2]); text = text.replace('(seconds)', dif[3]); $('.' + extraClass).text(text); } pluralization(extraClass, dif); } } function timeDistance(date, fixTime) { var date1 = new Date(date); let date2, d, utc; d = new Date(); utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); if (fixTime != undefined) date2 = new Date; else date2 = new Date(utc + (3600000 * OffsetLocation)); var diff = date1.getTime() - date2; var msec = diff; var hh = Math.floor(msec / 1000 / 60 / 60); msec -= hh * 1000 * 60 * 60; var mm = Math.floor(msec / 1000 / 60); msec -= mm * 1000 * 60; var ss = Math.floor(msec / 1000); msec -= ss * 1000; var dd = Math.floor(hh / 24); if (dd > 0) { hh = hh - (dd * 24); } return [dd, hh, mm, ss]; } function getFixDate(fixTime) { let getFixTimeDate = 0; var fixTimeDate = JSON.parse($('.' + extraClass).attr('data-fixTime')); if (fixTimeDate['Days'] != undefined) { getFixTimeDate += +fixTimeDate['Days'] * 60 * 24; } if (fixTimeDate['Hours'] != undefined) { getFixTimeDate += +fixTimeDate['Hours'] * 60; } if (fixTimeDate['Minutes'] != undefined) getFixTimeDate += +fixTimeDate['Minutes']; var now = new Date(); now.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() + getFixTimeDate); // timestamp date = new Date(now); // Date object return date; } // Note this *is* JQuery, see below for JS solution instead function replaceText(selector, text, newText, flags) { var matcher = new RegExp(text, flags); $(selector).each(function () { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.children().length) $this.text($this.text().replace(matcher, newText)); }); } function pluralization(extraClass, dif) { //pluralization if (dif[0] == 1) replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_days', 'Day', 'g'); else replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_days', 'Days', 'g'); if (dif[1] == 1) replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_hours', 'Hour', 'g'); else replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_hours', 'Hours', 'g'); if (dif[2] == 1) replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_minutes', 'Minute', 'g'); else replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_minutes', 'Minutes', 'g'); if (dif[3] == 1) replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_seconds', 'Second', 'g'); else replaceText('.' + extraClass, 'p_seconds', 'Seconds', 'g'); } })